platforms that put you on
performance speedway
Data Democratization with Purpose built Platforms
Data Quality and Data platforms are to be seen as conjoined initiatives if the objective is to realize maximum business value from Data & Data democratization. Done right, these initiatives can truly make an organization, Data driven.
However, Research shows that most Big Data initiatives seldom deliver the results expected of them. The fault lies not with the technology but elsewhere – business alignment/ sponsorship, culture, skills etc.,
To up the odds of success manifold, we developed a holistic approach to Big Data initiatives covering all dimensions – culture, skills, integration with existing business processes and applications, governance and data quality.
Included in the above are a set of Industry best practices covering Ingestion process and control; data profile and cleaning; creation of zones within Data lakes; establishment of access privileges and data encryption for Data privacy and security; tracking of changes. We ensure your Data Lakes stay as Reservoirs and don’t turn into Data swamps.
Our recommendation, inline with Industry best practices, is to get the Data Governance and Quality part right before embarking on high dollar Big data projects. A single source of truth is an absolute must for Digital Transformation. Issues in Master Data often show up on the Financial & Compliance front. Traditional Data housing systems very much play a key role in the on-going day to day operations in addition to being highly leverageable for Big Data initiatives. Our solutions and services are designed to extract strategic value by turning them into tools to win new customers, develop new products and reduce costs

Our Offerings
Big Data Platforms
Deploy and manage Distributed, Scalable and Fault-tolerant Big Data/ Enterprise Data Platforms – horizontally scalable compute clusters.
Legacy Data Housing systems
(Data Bases, Data marts, Data Warehouses): Architecture, design, build and on-going maintenance. And, remote DBA Services.
Data Governance Solution
Build and on-going maintenance of customer, supply chain, and enterprise MDM solutions
Our Data and Data Systems experts would be glad to address
your queries about how we can enable you to be truly data driven. Get in touch with us today.